29 April 2014

Buongiorno Profumatissimo

Già poi  capitano queste giornate intense come ieri dove le spose si affrettano per i loro pensieri ...sicuramente per me è un piacere aiutarle e accompagnarle al altare con naturalezza,disinvolte nel loro bellissimo abito come in una fiaba di due Hello Today continues devoted to the ideas of marriage and Julius Cristina in April 2014 Green Meadow immense new trends in decoration Flowers # # # # tizianaventola trends #sposa#wedding#bird#greenwedding#luxurywedding#shabby#schic#home#decor#decoration#house#end#garden#flowers#matrimonio#aria#aperta#aprile2014
Julius Cristina # # # # floras fairy tale # fantasy # green # garden # You then captain these intense days like yesterday where brides are rushing for their thoughts ... surely it is a pleasure for me to help and accompany you to the altar in a natural, casual in their beautiful dress like a fairy tale of the two lovers.

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